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MathSeed Policy

Make-up class for school year program
Students are responsible to attend their scheduled class. MathSeed does not guarantee any make-up class availability.

If a student does not attend the original scheduled class for any reason, the student can attend another session in the same week as make-up class ONLY IF there is another session and a space available. There is a maximum capacity of student in each class. Click here to find the date of the other sessions in the same week for your grade. Please fill out the make-up class request form (Fill the form at least ONE week before your planned missing class if possible). We will reply by email to confirm the make-up class. We may not be able to respond to a request submitted less than 24 hours before the class. In-person class students will be automatically transferred to the online class for an additional month if they attend half of the classes online of the registered class schedule or after three consecutive online classes of the registered class schedule. Parents may request to transfer back to an in-person class after a month if a spot is available. 


In case of an emergency (e.g. sickness, fever, etc.) and a make-up class is not available, the parents need to email us within 24 hours of the original class time to schedule a Q&A study session. 


Q&A Study Session

  • The student must schedule an appointment by email for the Q&A study session. There are limited seats. If the student missed 2 or more consecutive classes due to medical reasons, a doctor's note is required for scheduling a Q&A study session.

  • The Q&A study session is not a lecture class nor a make-up class. The student should preview the missed class contents and prepare to ask questions before coming to the Q&A study session. The pages of class content can be found here.


The first 4 make-up classes / study sessions in each semester are free. Students who do not show up for the make-up class will still be counted for 1 make-up class. There is a $20 charge for each additional make-up class after the 4th make-up class in the same semester.


Class schedule transfer for the school year program

Students can transfer up to 2 times per semester for free after attending the first class if a spot is available. There is a $20 charge for each additional class schedule transfer in the same semester.


Satisfaction Refund Guarantee
Students must give a written notice (email) for withdrawal at least 15 days before the last class. There is a minimum tuition charge of 4 classes. Discount will be reverted if discount requirements are not met at the time of withdrawal. Registration fees, material fees, deposits, tuition for customized catch-up sessions, and surcharges are non-refundable. Remaining prorated tuition will be refunded.


Refund for students enrolled in the School Year discount plan or Semester Installment discount plan:
If the student needs to withdraw from the program before completing 18 scheduled classes, all classes will be charged as Multi-Installment plan tuition rate per class.
If the student needs to withdraw from the program after completing 18 scheduled classes, and before the end of the school year, then the first 18 classes will be charged as Semester Installment discount plan tuition rate per class. The remaining classes will be charged as Multi-Installment plan tuition rate per class.


For the summer program, the student can request to withdraw by giving at least a 2 days written notice (email) before the class starts in the following week. Registration fee and material fee are non-refundable. There is no partial week refund for weekday class. We will refund the remaining prorated tuition for the classes in the following weeks minus $10 cancellation fee per week.


MathSeed reserves the right to withdraw any student from the class at any time.


No credit or refund is given for absence. Students are responsible to attend their scheduled class. If your child stops attending classes without a 15-day written withdrawal notice, their spot is still reserved and their tuition is still deducted until you notify us with a 15-day written withdrawal notice.


All fees are due at enrollment. A $25 fee will be charged for each returned check or rejected transaction.


Late Enrollment
The tuition is prorated with an installment plan according to the number of remaining classes if a student enrolls after the course started.


Late fee

There is a $25 late fee if balance is not paid on the day of the first class. The student will be withdrawn from the class if balance is not paid after 1 week of the day of the first class.

Late Pick up
Please pick up your child within 10 minutes after the end of the class. Late pickup fee will be assessed at $1/minute after 10 minutes of class end time.

Class Observation
Parent observations for new or potential students are by appointment only and may last no longer than 15 minutes.

Health and Safety

While we do not mandate mask-wearing, we still recommend that students wear a face mask to protect themselves. If a student is sick when they come to class, we will call you to pick them up.


If your child has any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours, please stay home. You can email us to request an online class or make-up class. Students may return to in-person class after 24 hours of being symptom-free without the use of medication.


  • Fever or Chills

  • Temperature of 100 F (38.7 C) degrees or higher

  • Sore Throat

  • Cough

  • Difficulty Breathing

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea or Vomiting

  • Headache

  • Runny nose

  • Loss of taste or smell


Competition program
Math competition program DOES NOT follow the school curriculum. Students are responsible for all schoolwork, exams, and standardized tests.


Parking (Fremont Mission center only)
Students who violate this parking policy are subject to withdrawal from the class. There will be no refund for withdrawal due to policy violation.

  • Parents must not stop the vehicle on driveway to drop off or pick up their child.

  • Parents must park the vehicle in a proper parking space and then drop off or pick up the child in the classroom. Students are not allowed to leave our office alone at any time.

  • Parents cannot park their vehicle in the parking lot for the entire class session waiting till the end of class on weekdays.


GATE program

MathSeed does not guarantee all students can pass the GATE test.


Personal properties
MathSeed is not responsible for any loss of personal properties such as textbooks, workbooks, etc.


MathSeed reserves the right to change this policy and agreement at any time.

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